Re-branding and setting boundaries.

If you’re new here then you’ll know no different. However, if you’re already familiar with me or you’ve been tattooed by me in the past few years, you’ll know I’ve been all over the place.

Despite feeling more confident in my abilities, I lacked any sense of stability in my life. The big picture has been blurry ever since I could remember and that wasn’t because my glasses were dirty.

I was so burnt out, flaky and anxious that I could never plan ahead, forcing myself to wing everything and be spontaneous. I loved that idea growing up because it’s romanticised in our culture to be free and messy. But it’s chaos and only invites more chaos.

Even if good things came, it always felt like luck and that I had no control in anything that happened. It’s an avoidant/survival mentality where I was the victim no matter what happened.

I was on a constant pursuit to find solace and salvation in anything but myself.

In June 2024 my relationship ended and it turned me inside out. My life made perfect sense for the past 18 months but without her everything dissolved. My self worth was in the hands of others and the rest was an illusion.

Around the same time, my business was slower than ever, I had no money coming in, and the sharks could clearly smell my blood in the water.

Everyone wanted a “better price” or a “good deal” and I was tired of being a doormat. To be honest, I’ve been like that for the last 10 years, and it was time to draw the line.

If I have to sell my things and fail to pay my bills, then so be it. I had this desire to live honestly and force nothing until I met the real truth.

When I got there I was re-introduced to myself and found all the value laying dormant. I had it all backwards and I could no longer settle for my inadequacy.

I’ll expand on how I turned everything around in another post, but I hope you understand why these changes were necessary.

My main focus right now is to work really hard with intention, lay a healthy foundation for me to build my career on, and be of great value to my community.
